Learn – Consumer

Why Buy a WiFi Range Extender?

Why Buy a WiFi Range Extender?

You want to buy a Wi-Fi range extender if your home or space is suffering dead spots. The wireless range extender helps extend your Wi-Fi coverage to reach all corners of your home to eliminate dead zones. Learn more.

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How Cable Modems Work

How Cable Modems Work

A cable modem is a type of modem that delivers broadband Internet service through the same cable that supplies cable television service called coaxial cables. Learn more about how it works.

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What is a DOCSIS 3.1 Modem?

What is a DOCSIS 3.1 Modem?

DOCSIS 3.1 modems offer benefits like download speeds of up to 10Gbps and upload speeds of 1Gbps. Learn more about fast, lag-free, reliable Internet.

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