Having an issue with your Spectrum Internet can be frustrating, and sometimes the issue can be resolved by simply turning your cable box or internet router on and off and restarting your equipment. However, there are times when the issue can be with your coax outlet or wiring.
Before calling your Spectrum Internet provider, a quick test can help to rule-out or confirm if the problem is with your coax outlet or wiring. Coax outlets and coax cable wiring are used to connect your internet and cable television throughout your home. For this article, we will focus on your Internet connection.
While there are several different ways to test your coax cables and outlets, testing your coax outlets and cable wiring for a valid signal from your Cable Internet service provider is easy with the DSS-01 Coax Cable Tester. The DSS-01 Coax Cable Tester works by identifying a specific frequency range of signals coming from your Cable Internet provider, so you won’t receive false-positive readings like you would with competitor products that measure voltage.
The DSS-01 Coax Cable Tester is easy to use. Simply plug the tester into the coaxial outlet you’d like to test and press the button. In less than 10 seconds, you will see the results – red or green. When the LED-light indicator is red, it means that no signal was detected, and when the LED-light is green, it means a valid signal was detected. If the Coax Cable Tester is green but you still aren’t receiving a signal at that outlet, you may be experiencing larger issues and it is time to contact Spectrum for additional help.
Troubleshooting your coax cable and coax outlet issues yourself with the DSS-01 Coax Cable Tester can be quick and easy, and can possibly help you avoid a costly technician visit. The DSS-01 is an ideal tool for anyone who may move households frequently and needs to test the coax wiring and outlets at your new location. Learn more about Hitron’s coax cable tester or read our Blog.