Does a Mesh System Replace a Router?

Learn > WiFi Boosters > Does a Mesh System Replace a Router?

While a mesh system certainly can replace your traditional router, it doesn’t replace a router altogether. Just like with a traditional router/modem network setup, a mesh system has a specific mesh router.

Within a Mesh WiFi system, you need three main components:

  1. Modem – This is the device that communicates directly with your Internet Service Provider (ISP). There are different types of modems. Commonly, people use cable modems.
  2. Mesh router – This is a router that is specific to a mesh system. Similar to a traditional router, it is the central device on the mesh network, and it communicates with the modem. What makes it different from a traditional router is that it communicates with the satellite nodes placed throughout your home.
  3. Satellite nodes – The nodes are the pods or devices that you place in each room or space in your home that you want a better WiFi signal. This is how you get a blanket of coverage throughout your home and a strong Internet connection wherever you are. The downside to nodes is that they each require a power source or power outlet, so that can dictate the number you use and where you are able to place them in your home.


Should I get a Mesh System?

Mesh WiFi is a whole-home system for boosting your WiFi. A Mesh WiFi system helps improve your WiFi and provides a handful of benefits, like:

  • Eliminate dead spots
  • Blanket the home in strong WiFi
  • Reliable Internet connections
  • Being a flexible and scalable solution

However, mesh WiFi systems aren’t the best solution for all homes. Mesh is great for large homes. That’s why there are alternatives to still get better WiFi coverage that are better suited for smaller spaces.

Some more affordable and accessible options other than Mesh WiFi are:

  • WiFi range extenders – These are devices that you place between your traditional router and the hard-to-reach area. Similar to Mesh WiFi, the wireless range extender helps extend that reach of the existing WiFi signal to get more coverage.
  • MoCA technology with MoCA adapters – This solution converts coaxial cable TV wiring into an Ethernet connection, creating a point-to-point direction connection for always reliable Internet.

Depending on your needs, Mesh WiFi might be perfect for you. Or you can use an alternative with your traditional router. Either way, you need a router to get WiFi in your home. The various WiFi boosters out there are what help make your coverage better.

Want to learn more about Mesh WiFi or how MoCA adapters can enhance your home WiFi?

Check out Hitron’s Learn page for more articles.

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