You don’t have to dedicate and entire weekend or your entire savings account to get rock-solid Internet in your home. You also don’t have to re-wire your home. You can get rock solid Internet in minutes. Here’s how:
Using MoCA technology to boost your Wi-Fi
MoCA technology converts the coaxial cables that already exist in your home into an Ethernet connection. All you have to do is invest in two or more MoCA adapters (or only one adapter if your router has built-in MoCA). Instead of spending an entire weekend on getting good Internet, or even longer on a re-wiring project, you can spend minutes setting up your MoCA adapter(s). It really is that easy:
- Plug one MoCA Adapter into any coax outlet. This will automatically create a MoCA link with your MoCA-enabled router. Or, you will need to connect the second adapter to your traditional router.
- Then use the Ethernet port to connect your HDTV, gaming console, PC, work laptop or any other Ethernet-enabled device.
Using Hitron’s HT-EM4 MoCA adapters makes it fast and easy to create an Ethernet support system to enhance your home Wi-Fi. If you want to learn more about how MoCA technology can boost your Internet experience, check out Hitron’s Learn page for more resources.