Can a WiFi Booster Improve Your Internet?

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WiFi boosters are designed to improve your WiFi signal coverage. When your WiFi signal is strong and your whole home is covered, your Internet performs better. So, yes, WiFi boosters improve your Internet. Here’s how WiFi boosters work:


How WiFi boosters work

There are a few different types of WiFi boosters: WiFi repeaters, WiFi range extenders, and WiFi network extenders. There is also mesh WiFi.

The difference between the 3 types of boosters is the way they re-broadcast your existing WiFi signal.

A repeater and range extender are pretty much the same thing, and they re-broadcast the same quality of signal that they receive. These devices sit between your router and the hard-to-reach area of your home and create a separate network for your devices to connect to. This separate network is the extension of your original one so that the coverage goes farther.

A network extender does the same thing as a repeater or range extender. However, the difference is that it doesn’t create a separate network to do it.

Mesh WiFi is completely different than the rest, even though it is also a booster that improves your Internet. Mesh WiFi requires specific equipment that works together, including a mesh-specific router and nodes that you place throughout your home to extend the reach of your WiFi signal.


How these WiFi boosters improve your Internet

WiFi boosters can do more to improve your Internet than just extend your signal’s reach. By filling in dead spots, they help improve speed. Your WiFi signal is directly related to WiFi speed. So, when your signal is strong and reaches every corner of your home, your Internet performance improves as a result.

Using a combo wired/wireless WiFi booster is a win-win solution. This is because it leverages the speed and reliability of a wired connection to reach a far corner of the home. Combo booster devices use your home’s existing wiring to extend the home network. For example, coaxial cable wiring for MoCA-based devices.

It can be hard for a single WiFi router to cover an entire home with a fast and robust wireless signal. But with Hitron’s offerings of WiFi Boosters supporting your router, you can stream video, online game, and browse the web easily no matter where you are. Hitron’s offerings work with Ethernet, MoCA, or WiFi. Ask your Internet service provider (ISP) about Hitron’s WiFi boosters to improve your Internet today. Want more like this? Check out Hitron’s Learn Page.

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