Learn – Consumer

Cable Modems Explained: Upstream and Downstream Channels & the Benefits

Cable Modems Explained: Upstream and Downstream Channels & the Benefits

Download speed and upload speed are important factors when choosing the right cable modem for your needs. DOCSIS 3.0 or 3.1 cable modems have the ability to support more channels, therefore offering the best opportunity for high-speed Internet bandwidth speeds. Learn more about upstream and downstream channels here.

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What is the Difference Between EPON and GPON?

What is the Difference Between EPON and GPON?

GPON (Gigabit Passive Optical Network) and EPON (Ethernet Passive Optical Network) are both PON protocols that serve Ethernet acces to users over a fiber-optic network. Learn more about the difference and how they work.

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What is GPON and How Does it Work?

What is GPON and How Does it Work?

GPON (Gigabit Passive Optical Network) is a next-generation PON standard used to deliver broadband access to homes and businesses. It consists of OLT (Optical Line Terminals), ONU (Optical Network Unit), and a splitter. Learn more.

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What is a Passive Optical Network (PON)?

What is a Passive Optical Network (PON)?

A passive optical network (PON) is a fiber-optic network that allows an Internet service provider (ISP) and consumer to communicate. This is how you get broadband access with fiber-optic services (FiOS). PON is one protocol. Learn more.

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