Getting Ready for Virtual School During the COVID-19 Era

Learn > MoCA > Getting Ready for Virtual School During the COVID-19 Era

Some schools are opening up, but many have decided to remain closed and continue virtually. Prepping for a virtual school year during the COVID-19 era is crucial. And that preparation calls for solid Wi-Fi to make sure you as a student, or if you have children, your child(ren) can attend and complete online classes and schoolwork from home.

It’s important to make sure that your Wi-Fi is ready for video conferencing. If you are a college student, chances are, you live with other students or members that are also connecting to the same Wi-Fi network. Or, if you are a parent, chances are you are working from home while your children are “going to school” from home.

That is a lot of bandwidth on your home Wi-Fi network. Whichever situation you are in, multiple people connecting to the same network at the same time can cause congestion and slow down your Internet connection.

Is yours robust enough to handle it? Make sure that it is by using MoCA technology to enhance your Wi-Fi network.


What you need to make sure your Wi-Fi network is ready for video calls

Most home Wi-Fi networks can support some capacity of a video call. Usually, that looks like Face Timing with family or a friend. But when it comes to school classes and courses, a solid video call connection requires more.

For an entire school year that has now shifted online, you need Wi-Fi that can handle video calls for online classes. And your Wi-Fi needs to be robust enough so that these videos go smoothly every single time. That’s the difference that MoCA can make for your Wi-Fi network.

MoCA stands for Multimedia over Coaxial Alliance. It is also known as Ethernet over Coax. This technology makes your Wi-Fi more reliable by using a wired connection, and you use MoCA adapters to make it happen.

In a congested household, a Wi-Fi network without MoCA technology support may drop video calls or make the experience frustrating with delays or freezing.

A FaceTime session with a friend that freezes can be forgiven. A missed class because of Wi-Fi issues causes more problems.

To make sure that your Wi-Fi is ready for video classes or courses, you need:

  • Fast Wi-Fi speeds
  • A solid Wi-Fi signal
  • A reliable internet connection
  • A secure Wi-Fi network

This is something you can accomplish; you just need the right tools. One of the best tools to use is a MoCA adapter. Here’s what you need to know:

MoCA network adapters use the coaxial wiring in your home. Because they use the wiring in your home, they make a physical connection that is always reliable. The physical connection is between your router and your device, like a laptop or PC. This gives your laptop a reliable connection for uninterrupted video calls and classes even when the rest of the household is also using your Wi-Fi for work or entertainment. MoCA adapters will also make video calls and classes a good experience.

With MoCA technology, your home Wi-Fi network will perform its best. You can go into this virtual school year worry-free. You can enhance your Wi-Fi connection for the school year by making sure your Wi-Fi reaches every corner of your home with HT-EM4 MoCA adapters.

Want to learn more about what MoCA can do? Check out Hitron’s Learn page for more resources.


Now Available at Retail!

HTEM5 MoCA 2.5 Coax to Ethernet Adapter


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HTEM5 MoCA 2.5 Coax to Ethernet Adapter

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